“Worst of” compilation

Anyway, we did a ‘Best of’ kinda sampler thing earlier this year, to kinda celebrate a decade of Audio Antihero, and now we have the follow up, the ‘Worst of’. It’s called Should’ve Stayed at Home and it’s just a collection of lesser known stuff, session tracks, demos, unreleased old stuff, and even something recorded to a tape deck in 2003 that I consider the ‘first’ Benjamin Shaw song. Patient Zero. Anyway, it’s in kind of a reverse chronological order and I think it works quite well. I think I actually like it.

So yeah, get that here if you want https://bnjmnshw.bandcamp.com/album/shouldve-stayed-at-home-a-collection-of-oddities-and-outtakes

Or listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7lyhUtJzbUZi8sQg9Be2Sc?si=ig0K9-kGRJ2nJJ22qNfsXg

if you want to read a commentary on the album, where I start off a bit grumpy and dismissive and get all thankful and nostalgic by the end, you can do that here: https://varioussmallflames.co.uk/2019/07/29/benjamin-shaw-shouldve-stayed-at-home

Also, the old demo version of When I Fell Over in the City (which actually sounds much better than the album version) has been added to some Spotify playlist, so I think that means I’m going to be rich. TENS of dollars coming my way! Sadly, it also means I haven’t written anything more popular in around 15 years. Anyway, go add it to your playlists and collections and all that, even if you hate it like I do. Gotta stroke the algorithm’s ego. https://open.spotify.com/track/0zKHNcnLW0uNbGaubiHmlB?si=WH0wThORRm–cFF4wjeizQ

But yeah, thank you again. I don’t know how many people read these things, as I can’t bare (bear?🐻) to look at the stats, but thank you.

Ok, that’s it. 
Goodbye forever,

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